MTL - Continuous strip thickness gauge for stamping plants

Gauge for continuous online contact measuring of metal strip thickness for stamping plants. Type: MTL-501A


Process of mesuring:

The gauge is lead onto the strip by automatic drive with motor. The measuring head is floating and it compensates the strip motion in the vertical direction and the strip tilt in the direction of its motion. The gauge is furnished with an avaluation unit which digitally displays the on-line measured data and relay outputs.

Outputs of the equipment:

  • digital image of the measured thickness
  • 2 relay outputs which signal exceeding the limit thickness
  • data output RS-485 (ASCII, Messbus, Modbus-RTU)

Optional accessories:

  • light signalling for exceeding the limit thickness
  • communation interface Profibus
  • analog output
  • visualization software
Basic technical data:
Parameter Value
Range of the measured thickness 0,03 - 5 mm (8 mm)
Resolution 0,001 mm
Measuring accuracy ± 5 µm
Distance of mesuring from the strip edge max. 48 mm

Attached video

MTL-501A contact strip thickness gauge:


  • Measuring head with motorized drive
  • MTL-501A - digital control unit
  • MTL on production line 1
  • MTL on production line 2

Attached files